The Vjosa River in Albania represents one of the last intact large river system in Europe. It hosts all different types of ecosystems: from narrow gorges to wide braided river sections in the middle part. While, natural delta spreads near the Adriatic Sea. When it comes to the biodiversity, the river is one of the least explored rivers in Europe. Very few studies are at hand so far. However, these few existing studies underscore the importance of the river valley as Albania’s biodiversity hotspot, providing ideal aquatic habitats for numerous species.
[1] The free flowing Vjosa is of substantial importance for various migratory fish species, i.e., the critically endangered European Anguilla as well as sub-endemic fish species like the Ohrid loach and the Pindus stone loach. In terms of bird populations, the area provides breeding ground for Stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) and others, foraging ground for the Little tern (Sterna albifrons), Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus), and the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), as well as an important habitat for the near threatened otter (Lutra). Due to the lack of knowledge, the status of some species is unclear, for example, the Little tern (Sterna albifrons), which is regularly seen in the Poçem area and below, but nesting sites have not been recorded yet. The undisturbed morphodynamical processes with its enormous sediment shift led to a constant natural regeneration of these habitats, as well as to a lateral erosion, producing large-scale, steep riverbanks. These provide breeding grounds for thousands of Sand martins (Riparia riparia), for Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis), and Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster).
[2] The flora of the Vjosa ecosystem is also impressive. The uppermost river section hosts a variety of endangered endemic plant species, such as the endangered Solenanthus albanicus. The lower valley is characterized by mixed Oak forests (Qurecus sp.) and Strawberry trees (Arbutus andrachne); for the latter the Vjosa valley represents the only habitat in the country. This braided river system is characterized by large gravel banks with pioneer vegetation, islands, side arms, oxbows, ponds, and alluvial forests with Platanus orientalis, Willows (Salix spp.).
In order to bridge the knowledge gap, about 30 scientists from 4 countries and various expertise participated in one week of research in April 2017 on the previously almost unexplored Vjosa river in Albania – in the area of the planned Poçem dam. All experts were amazed by the complexity and sheer size of the river system and every expertise found something at the Vjosa – species, habitat types, dynamic river processes – that has been long lost on all regulated rivers in central Europe. An extensive, 3-year research program is in preparations.